samedi 22 octobre 2016

10 October 2016 open letter to Mr the president of the French republic about the criminality of sexual mutilation

Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau           Monsieur le président de la république
89 rue d'Hauteville                        Palais de l'Elysée 
75010 Paris                             75008 Paris

Paris, October 21 2016,

Dear Sir,

I remind you that, June 14 2013, in La Sorbonne, opening the founding meeting of Excision, parlons-en, Madame la présidente du comité national consultatif aux droits humains affirmed that feminine and masculine sexual mutilation is discriminatory. In spite of that announcement, she did not dare taking up that statement in her communication to you of the end of 2013 and it seems that the cowardice of the highest magistrate of France prevented her from it. Is the matter discriminating children of the communities whereas the racist cowardice of the other magistrates, on the one hand, condemns the excisers without taking into account articles 122-2 and 121-3 of the criminal code that forbid to condemn persons affected by an obvious collective madness and totally deprived of intention of harming, on the other hand, occasionally condones the circumcisions practised by crooks? In order to end with those practices of primitive barbarity, only the justice system could pronounce damages for the victims, only the national education could, until the end of university studies, have the necessary screening achieved.

There is no greater cowardice, no greater crime against humanity than violating, lacerating, mutilating and torturing children in their most intimate parts like Muslims, Jews and a few others daily do in a republic that does not deserve that name. There is no greater cowardice for a president of the republic than condoning the advertising publicly made by circumcising doctors who despise the most elementary medical deontology ("We were dreaming about it since the creation of, Afnane did it for us ! We are happy to present you our first repertory, that gathers clinics, hospitals and medical offices practising circumcision in France. Right now, we have completed 23 records.",

On this opportunity, I indicate you the link of strong causality between terrorism and circumcision (cf. the joint article).

Yours sincerely,


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